
I’m a second year graduate student in the Department of Physics at the Ohio State University, with broad interests in cosmology. I am advised by Professor Chris Hirata, and work closely with Dr. Chun-Hao To. My current project is building a cosmology analysis pipeline for SZ selected galaxy clusters. We plan to analyze data from the Dark Energy Survey and the Atacama Cosmology Telescope to improve our constraints on cosmological parameters. As part of this effort, I am also interested in models of baryonic feedback and their effects on our data vectors.

I recently graduated with a bachelors in mathematics and physics from Carnegie Mellon University, where I was active as a teaching assistant for 15-151/21-128. I was also a residential assistant at Stever House.

I mostly grew up in Phoenix, Arizona and Bengaluru, Karnataka. I love playing and watching video games; I am an avid fan of LoL esports. I’ve also recently started bouldering indoors. My other interests include board games, film, and live music.